The precision tools of Exact GmbH & Co. KG are made in Remscheid. The centrepiece of the company’s presence at the International Hardware Fair in Cologne this year will be a new packaging concept. What’s special about this project? All materials used are one hundred percent plastic free and based solely on natural raw materials.
The managing director Andreas Oemkers explained to the EZ that being one of the leading European producers of precision tools, Exact would like to take the lead in this market.

Andreas Oemkes: ”If we want to be as successful in the future as we are now, we have to break new ground”.
EZ: Mr Oemkes, in your presence at the Cologne fair, you have chosen to give a central role to an environmental project instead of product innovations. Why is that?
Oemkes: Because I believe that we, as a producer, bear a huge responsibility and we would like to embrace this responsibility as far as possible under the given circumstances. We have made our new packaging line „Natureline by Exact“ our centrepiece at this fair but this does not mean that we do not intend to present numerous product innovations in the future. For example, during the Cologne fair we are going to present for the first time our new “Advanced Line“ step drill and the new Euro 2020 Sales Promotion. The fact that at the same time we put a spotlight at our new packaging line is because of the importance of the fair as a platform for talking with our customers. We want to take this opportunity to collect impressions and to find out, by talking to our speciality retailers – what they think about our new packaging concept and maybe what we still have to change or improve.
There are certainly even more reasons, other than talking to customers?
Oemkes: Yes, indeed. Everyone who knows Exact is aware that we like to be a trendsetter and act as a pioneer. As we look at the mountains of plastic in the sea, it is clear for everyone that we cannot go on like this and that we as a tool manufacturer also have to make an active contribution to protect the environment. However, our decision to introduce packaging that is completely free of plastic is also dictated by very clear economic considerations. Last but not least, the automotive industry and the whole discussion about electric drive technologies has made it clear to us that we cannot wait for someone else to come up with the innovations. We have to be at the cutting edge ourselves. What many market researchers are saying is that in the future, ecology is going to play a central role in decisions on purchasing. Well, if we as a company wish to continue performing successfully, we will have to find new ways.
What are the outstanding characteristics of the new Natureline concept?

In its new packaging concept Natureline, Exact as the producer does not use any plastic materials.
The special feature of „Natureline by Exact“ is the material used to produce the packaging. In my opinion, we are the first German tool manufacturer that is completely giving up the use of plastics and instead is choosing to use only recycled paper and cardboard. Through the new approach, we want to ensure that the amount of plastic is reduced and as a result that less of it can reach the environment.
Is the new packaging line the beginning of even more „green“ ideas for EXACT?
In its new packaging concept Natureline, the producer Exact does not use any plastic materials. In our company, green ideas, as you called them, have been around for many years now. For instance, the energy we use is on a geothermal basis and in general, we have made many investments in protecting the environment. We are currently working on our goal to have a completely electric fleet by the end of 2020.
You said before regarding this new packaging concept that you intend to get into contact with your customers. What do you mean by that?
What we are presenting at the fair, is our vision for the plastic free packaging of the future. Yet this does not necessarily mean that it is fully aligned with the expectations and wishes of the customers. There may be some ideas we have not considered at all, but which could further optimize our overall concept. Another very important question is whether the market will accept a concept that – because of the environmental considerations – might be a little more expensive.
What do you expect?
I think that people on a global scale have become aware that we cannot continue along the current path in matters concerning the environment. I am therefore very confident that our new concept Natureline by Exact will be met with great interest and that we will have lively discussions with our retail partners.
Thank you very much for this conversation.